Belarus MTZ T25, T25A2,T25A3 Operator and Parts Manual



Belarus MTZ T25, T25A2,T25A3 Operator and Parts Manual

MTZ T25, T25A2,T25A3 Operator

The Production Association of Minsk Tractor Works was founded on May 29, 1946, in Minsk. The massive tractor factory is still the largest in the world.

The Soviet tractor industry experienced massive growth following the Russian Revolution. Early Soviet tractor production was concentrated at the Stalingrad factory.

The Minsk factory was constructed after World War II as part of a rebuilding effort in the destroyed city. Currently, the factory builds 38 different models of tractors and exports to over 100 nations.

Belarus MTZ T25, T25A2,T25A3 Operator and Parts Manual
Belarus MTZ T25, T25A2,T25A3 Operator and Parts Manual
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Price: $19.00

Belarus MTZ T25, T25A2, T25A3 Operator and Parts Manual

The Production Association “Minsk Tractor Works” – MTZ is one of the largest manufacturers of tractors in the world. Belarus is an association of 6 cooperating Belarusian plants. has received 32 international quality certificates.

More than 3 Million MTZ Belarus tractors successfully operate in over 100 countries around the world all year round in various climate and soil conditions.

Currently manufactures:

24 different models of plowing tractors ranging from 50 to 130 h.p.
6 models of small tractors with engine power from 20 to 35 h.p.
8 models of mini-tractors and moto-blocks with engine power ranging from 6 to 12 h.p.
16 models of loaders, forestry, mine, and maintenance machines.
Spare parts for the tractors
Metal processing equipment and other
Currently, MTZ manufactures:

History of MTZ Belarus

Minsk Tractor Works – MTZ – Belarus was founded 50 years ago. Minsk – the capital of Belarus – was completely demolished during WWII. After all the bombings there was not a single building left undestroyed in Minsk.

Representatives of all nationalities of the USSR were helping Belarusians to rebuild the capital. Many of the famous Belarusian enterprises were founded as the result of this restoration effort. Below are shown some of the first models of the MTZ Belarus tractors.


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