Hitachi Zaxis 225usr-3 Hydraulic Excavator Wsm Repair Manual



Hitachi Zaxis 225usr-3 Hydraulic Excavator Wsm Repair Manual
all models: Hitachi zaxis 200-3 225US-3 225USR-3 240-3 270-3
Hitachi Zaxis 225us-3 Hydraulic Excavator Wsm Service Manual

Be sure to clean and Inspect sealing surfaces. Scratches / roughness cause leaks and seal wear.
Unevenness causes seal extru- sion. If defects cannot be pol- ished out, replace the compo- nent.
Be sure to use only specified O-rings. Inspect O-rings for any damage. Take care not to file O-ring surfaces. When installing an O-ring into a groove, use grease to hold it in place.
While lightly tightening split flange halves, check that split is centered and perpendicular to the port. Hand-tighten bolts to hold parts in place. Take care not to pinch the O-ring.
Tighten bolts alternately and di- agonally, as shown, to ensure even tightening.
Do not use air wrenches. Using an air wrench often causes tight- ening of one bolt fully before tightening of the others, resulting in damage to O-rings or uneven tightening of bolts.

Hitachi Zaxis 225usr-3 Hydraulic Excavator Wsm Repair Manual

  • The torques given in the chart are for general use only. Do not use these torques if a different torque is given for a specific ap- plication.
  • Make sure that nut and bolt threads are clean before install- ing.
  • Remove dirt or corrosion, if any.
Hitachi Zaxis 225us-3 Hydraulic Excavator Wsm Service Manual
Hitachi Zaxis 225us-3 Hydraulic Excavator Wsm Service Manual
Free shipping by email, all models: Hitachi zaxis 200-3 225US-3 225USR-3 240-3 270-3
Price: $29.99

Hitachi Zaxis 225usr-3 Hydraulic Repair Manual